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The GLEE Constitution


The Greek Language Educational Establishment Of Hertfordshire (GLEE) is a Registered Charity  under number 1040670. 


1. Name and Offices

The Charity hereby founded shall be called the Greek Language Educational Establishment of Hertfordshire (hereby called “the Establishment”) and the headquarters are situated in Oakmere Primary School Hertfordshire. 


2. Objects

The Objects of the Educational Establishment are twofold:

(1) To advance religion in accordance with the Greek Orthodox faith in the County of Hertfordshire, and neighbouring areas.

(2) To advance the education of children and young people in the County of Hertfordshire and in particular the children and young people of the Greek Community of the area, including their education through leisure-time activities so that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society and their conditions of life may be improved.

In furtherance of the foregoing objects but not further or otherwise the Charity shall have the following powers:

(i) The establishment and functioning of schools in the area for the preservation and learning of the Greek language and culture.

(ii) The establishment and functioning of children’s and/or youth clubs.

(iii) To purchase, take on lease, hire or otherwise acquire property necessary for the promotion of the said objects.

(iv) To raise funds and to invite and receive contributions from any person or persons whatsoever by way of subscriptions and otherwise, provided that the Charity shall not undertake any permanent trading activities in raising funds for its primary charitable objects.

(v) To do all such other lawful things as shall further the said objects.


3. Members

The Members of the Charity shall be:

(i) Parents or guardians of children attending the Establishment’s school(s).

(ii) Any person over the age of eighteen who submits a written application and obtains the approval of the Governing Body.


4. Income

The Income of the Charity shall consist of:

(i) The annual subscriptions of the members, the amount of which is determined at each Annual General Meeting.

(ii) The fees payable by the members with children attending the school(s) of the Establishment the amount of which is determined by the Governing Body.

(iii) The fees payable by the members without children attending the school(s) of the Establishment which shall not be less than the basic annual fee determined for one child.

(iv) Funds raised by the social and fund-raising activities of the Establishment.

(V) Non recurrent contributions, donations and other lawful incomes which are received by the Establishment.


5. Disposition of Income

The Income of the Charity shall be distributed in furtherance to the above objects including the following purposes:

(i)  For hiring or the acquisition of a building necessary for the activities of the Establishment’s school(s) and youth club(s). In case of freehold or leasehold acquisitions, the advance approval of the members at a General Meeting is required.

(ii)  For the settlement of the expenses associated with the administration, maintenance and operation of the school(s) and club(s) of the Establishment and their activities

(iii) For fees relating to deprived children attending the Establishment’s school(s).


6. Members obligations 

Every Member of the Establishment shall have the following obligations: 

(i) To pay his/her annual subscription.

(ii) To pay his/her fees.

(iii) To adhere to the decisions taken at ordinary and extraordinary general meetings and the decisions of the Governing Body.

(iv) To support the Governing Body with at least one duty per year. 


7. Members’ rights 

Every Member of the Charity shall have the following Equal Rights:

(i) The right to vote for the election of and to seek election to the Governing Body, provided that he/she has paid all monies due from him/her to the Establishment.

(ii) The right to inspect the books of the Establishment after submitting a written application to the Governing Body stating the reasons.

(iii) The right to withdraw from the Establishment. The intention to withdraw should be presented to the Governing Body in writing. The outgoing member is obliged to pay his/her annual subscription and fees for the current school year.

(iv) To act in accordance with this Constitution and make every reasonable effort for the advancement of the Establishment’s aims and objects.


8. Members expulsion

Any Member is liable to be expelled by the Establishment’s Governing Body if:

(i) The member acts in a way which is detrimental to the objects of the Establishment.

(ii) The member delays payments due with no valid reason or excuse, after having received a written warning of 10 days to settle his or her debt and not having done so in the time given.

(iii) The member fails to adhere to the decisions taken at ordinary and extraordinary general meetings and the decisions of the Governing Body.

9. Annual General Meeting

(i)  An Annual General Meeting shall be held annually at a time set by the Governing Body and with the purpose of the Governing Body reporting to the members on the financial and other activities of the Establishment during the preceding year, electing the new Governing Body and appointing the auditors.

(ii)  Members who have settled all monies due to the Establishment are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting.

(iii) An Annual General Meeting can only be called if written notice to all members is issued at least ten (10) days before the proposed date of the meeting. The notice should include the agenda, venue and time of the meeting.

(iV) The Annual General Meeting is deemed to be in quorum if fifty one per cent (51%) of the Establishment’s members are present. If there is no quorum one hour is allowed for quorum to be achieved. Failing this, any number of members present will constitute a quorum.

(V) The decisions of the Annual General Meeting can only be taken on a majority of the members present.

(Vi) The Annual General Meeting appoints the auditors who are non members of the Governing Body and are qualified practising Accountants.


10. Extraordinary General Meeting

An Extraordinary General Meeting can be called by:

(i) The Governing Body to deal with matters of importance, or

(ii) two thirds (2/3) of the members when they apply in writing to the Chairman submitting matters that they wish to be discussed.

(iii) The Extraordinary General Meeting can only decide on matters for which it is called for. The procedural provisions described in article 9 above also apply to Extraordinary General Meetings.


11. Constitutional General Meeting

(i) A decision to change the constitution of the Establishment can only be made by a Constitutional General Meeting after ten (10) days notice is given to that effect but it is hereby expressly declared that no amendment shall be made relating to the objects of the Establishment and no alteration shall be made which would have the effect of causing the Establishment to cease to be a charity at law.

(ii)The Meeting is deemed to be in quorum if fifty-one per cent (51%) of the members are present.

(iii) If there is no quorum half hour is allowed for quorum to be achieved. Failing this, any number of members present will constitute a quorum. An amendment can only be carried out after achieving a seventy five per cent (75%) majority of all members present.


12. Governing Body

The Governing Body of the charity shall consist of 5 members to be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

The Governing Body’s term of service is from one Annual General Meeting to the next, the duration not exceeding fifteen months, but its members can offer themselves for re- election.


The Governing Body elects the following officers from amongst its members:

(a) The Chairman

(b) The Vice-chairman

(c) The Secretary

(d) The Treasurer and Registrar 

(e) The Functions Secretary

The Chairman cannot serve as Chairman for more than four consecutive years.


The Governing Body has the following duties:-

(i) To meet regularly, or in special cases after six (6) of its members apply in writing to the chairman stating the reasons for their request; there shall be a quorum when at least five (5) members are present.

(ii) To administer the affairs of the Establishment.

(iii) To ensure adherence to the provisions of the constitution.

(iV) To carry out the decisions of the General Meetings.

13. Duties of the Chairman

The duties of the Chairman shall be as follows:

(i) To invite the members of the Governing Body to the regular meetings and prepare the agenda.

(ii) To call the General Meeting.

(iii) To chair the regular meetings of the Governing Body and the General Meetings and direct, with the assistance of the vice-chairman, the discussion during the meetings and to have a casting vote in the event of a tied vote.

(iV) To represent the Governing Body and the Establishment as and when appropriate.

(V) To sign all the outgoing documents approved by the Governing Body.


14. Duties of the Vice-Chairman

The duties of the Vice-Chairman shall be:

(i) To deputise in the Chairman’s absence.

(ii) To assume the duties of the Secretary in the Secretary’s absence.


15. Duties of the Secretary

The duties of the Secretary shall be as follows:

(i) To keep the minutes of the General Meetings and the minutes of the Governing Body meetings.

(ii)To handle the correspondence of the Establishment and co-sign the outgoing correspondence with the Chairman.

(iii) To maintain a detailed register of the Establishment’s assets.


16. Duties of the Functions Secretary

The duties of the Functions Secretary shall be as follows:

(i) To keep the Register of Members.

(ii) To organise the fund raising activities and social functions of the Establishment.

17. Duties of the Treasurer and Registrar 

The duties of the Treasurer shall be as follows:

(i)To collect all the Establishment’s income and issue the appropriate receipts.

(ii)To settle all payments following the Governing Body’s approval and to keep all the appropriate invoices.

(iii) To keep the basic accounting work relating to receipts and payments.

(iV) To be responsible for the safe keeping of the Establishment’s financial assets.

(V) To provide details concerning the financial position of the Establishment, should the Governing Body so request.

(Vi) To submit - at the Annual General Meeting - audited financial statements.

(Vii) Subject to a maximum limit of £100 (one hundred pounds) he or she may make payments without the prior approval of the Governing Body. The Governing Body’s approval should, however, be obtained after such payments are made. The Treasurer and one other officer of the Governing Body should be the signatories on all cheques.

(Viii) To maintain the Registration of Members and maintain a link to payments of members.  


18. Auditors

The auditors shall perform their annual audit in accordance with the instructions issued to them by the Governing Body. Their audit report shall be read during the Annual General Meeting.


19. Real Property

The title of all and any real property which may be acquired by or for the purposes of the Establishment shall be vested in Trustees who shall be appointed by the Governing Body and who shall enter into a deed of trust setting forth the purposes and conditions under which they hold the said property in trust for the Establishment. The number of Trustees shall be not less than two (2) not more than four (4) and shall have power to enter into any contracts on behalf of the Establishment.


20. Dissolution of the Governing Body

The Establishment may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a seventy five per cent (75%) majority of those present and voting at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose of which ten (10) days notice shall have been given to the members. Such resolution shall give instructions for the disposal of any assets held by or in the name of the Establishment provided that if any property remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities such property shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the Establishment but shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to some or all of the objects of the Establishment

©2023 by GLEE

Glee of Herts is a registered charity: 1040670

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